Wind is a force to be reckoned with. It is tangible and we can feel it and we can utilize this power to create energy. Despite its evident presence, it is only possible to actually see the wind, when it interacts with something else and creates motion. We will build one or more windmills together and see how they create energy; we will investigate the wind as a source of energy and as an aesthetic input to the world. We will also work with small-scale kinetic sculptures that shift in presence and provide optical illusions depending on the direction and speed of the wind.

Start by understanding kinetics and investigate how wind interacts with fabric and you. Understand the mental aspect of the wind by entering a guided meditation or movement with emphasize on the wind. Then we take these experiences and transfer them into real constructions. We ask how a windmill needs to be balanced to work and we explore how we can re-use trash to create windmills and sculptures. It is important to have a balanced focus on both kinetics and aesthetics when creating these sculptures and structures, as they are a platform for exhibition as much as sources of energy.