Classes of students aged 10-12 from different schools in Rotterdam visit Villa Zebra. They experience the exhibition Sea de Sea, which consists of ten art installations by contemporary artists that refer to ten themes: a day at the beach, beachcombing, the harbour, a boat at sea, sea animals, underwater plants, plastic soup, raging sea, sea monsters, deep sea. The children reflect on four installations that are related to the workshop they are going to follow. They are supervised by employees of Villa Zebra who stimulate the imagination of the children by means of open questions. They interact with the artworks.

Villa Zebra consciously opts for contemporary art, because it stems from the time in which the children themselves also live. Moreover, we think it is important that we allow artists to collaborate with children.

Children create something themselves under the guidance of an artist. The artist largely determines the process in which the children themselves arrive at a work of art. This process stems from his or her own way of working. The employees of Villa Zebra mainly support the children. The artist is part of the process to arrive at a joint installation. So children and artists work together.

In this case a video was made of the installation. At school, the children reflect on the visit.